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2022-23 Season

Composer, Glen Ballard

String Trio, Kaleidoscopia

Composer Price Walden - Artist Kristy Kristinek - Mezzo-Soprano Alice-Anne Light

Voice Specialist, Marci Rosenberg

Saxophone Quartet, Assembly Quartet


2021-22 Season

Composer, Adam Guettel 

Musicians, Jenny Conlee and Kelly Hogan

Experimental Woodwind Quintet, City of Tomorrow

Composer, Linda Lister

Composer, Andrea Ramsey

Musicians, Voices of Mississippi (William Ferris, Sharde Thomas, and Scott Barretta)


2020-21 Season

Director of the Isom Center & Author, Jaime Harker

UM Choral Director, Libby Hearn

Associate Director of the Isom Center and Author, Theresa Starkey

Baritone, Lucas Meachem

Pianist, Irina Meachem


2019-20 Season

Oxford Film Festival Director, Melanie Addington

Members of Chócala

Sound Engineer, Kyle Hershman

Soprano, Educator, Entrepreneur, and Author, Susan Hurley - Recording Producer, Larry Rogers

Director of the Ford Foundation, Cheryle Sims

Members of Skrontch

Mayor of Oxford, Robyn Tannehill

Singer/Songwriter, Jim Weatherly

Publisher of Invitation Magazines, Rachel Malone West

University of Mississippi Provost, Noel Wilkin


2018-19 Season

Blues Singer, Effie Burt

Metropolitan Opera Singer, Sandra Piques Eddy

Alexander Technique Specialist, Jessie Wright Martin

Composer, Paul Sanchez

Soprano, Kayleen Sanchez

Arts Manager, Tiffany Gammell

Author, Gloria Burgess

Mayor of Oxford, Robyn Tannehill

Composer, Edward Hart

Composer, Yiorgos Vassilandonakis

Soprano, Saundra DeAthos-Meers


2017-18 Season

Fifemastor, Sharde Thomas

Blues Expert and Host MPB's Hwy 61, Scott Barretta

Percussionist, Rick Burkhead

Composer, Price Walden

Mezzo-Soprano, Alice Anne Light

Tenor, Jos Milton

Metropolitan and La Scala Opera Singer, Kallen Esperian

Members of Malpaso Dance Company

Choreographer, Jennifer Mizenko

Recording Artist and Arts Manager, Kate Teague

Concert Pianist, Bruce Levingston


2016-17 Season

Opera Singer, Sandra Moon

Opera Stage Director, Patricia O'Neill

Conductor, Steven Byess

Stage and Screen Actor/Singer, Mary Donnelly Haskell

Stage and Screen Actor/Singer, Mary Lane Haskell

Musical Theatre Expert and Author, Stephen Purdy


2015-16 Season

Ole Miss Baseball Pitcher and Singer, Brady Bramlett

Ole Miss Baseball Coach, Mike Bianco

Ole Miss Choral Director, Don Trott

Singer and Author, Matthew Hoch

Druid City Opera Artistic Director, Paul Houghtaling

Seagle Music Colony Teacher, Chad Payton


2014-15 Season

Diction Specialist, Amanda Johnston

Stage and Screen Actor/Singer, Mary Donnelly Haskell

Stage and Screen Actor/Singer, Mary Lane Haskell

Broadway Composer, Andrew Lippa

Grammy and Pulitzer Prize Winning Composer, William Bolcom

Mezzo-Soprano, Joan Morris


Spring 2014 Season

Composer, Sara Carina Graef 

Grammy and Pulitzer Prize Winning Composer, William Bolcom

Mezzo-Soprano, Joan Morris 

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